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-Gedanken & Notizen

Hans Lauterbach
11. Feb. 20204 Min. Lesezeit
Think-Stay ahead
Sustainability as a competitive factor. An insight from the perspective of the aviation industry. Let´s be honest: Which company, when...
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Hans Lauterbach
2. Feb. 20203 Min. Lesezeit
– shown at worlds most famous and difficult alpine skiing downhill track – THE STREIF at Kitzbühel Hahnenkamm, Austria A majority of...
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Hans Lauterbach
21. Jan. 20201 Min. Lesezeit
2020 – a year of big change - the most important trends companies are facing
Virtualization of classic business Instead of building and providing physical services, companies are increasingly focusing on providing...
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Hans Lauterbach
13. Jan. 20203 Min. Lesezeit
how will you win the 2020´s?
Technological progress and disruption are rapidly transforming business. Product and company lifespans are shrinking. High economic,...
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Hans Lauterbach
8. Dez. 20192 Min. Lesezeit
wake up Europe
and specially Germany & Austria ! Will your current working position be greatly affected by technology change and globalization? Are you...
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Hans Lauterbach
6. Dez. 20191 Min. Lesezeit
How to deal with a Dilemma?
Ever heard about the “Rubber Band Model”? Is this a situation you are familiar with? A friend, colleague or client needs to make a...
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Hans Lauterbach
18. Nov. 20193 Min. Lesezeit
8 essentials of successful innovation. Too often, companies simply get in the way of their own attempts to innovate. Strategic and...
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Hans Lauterbach
7. Nov. 20192 Min. Lesezeit
Predictive maintenance & AI
Equipment failure is the cause of 42% of unplanned downtime costing industrial manufacturers an estimated $50 Billion per year, a joint...
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Hans Lauterbach
28. Okt. 20192 Min. Lesezeit
human talent will be more important than ever
The successful company of the future will blend human and technological capabilities. Much of the discussion to date around bionic...
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Hans Lauterbach
18. Okt. 20192 Min. Lesezeit
Europe a century ago was the global powerhouse of innovation. Today, it has largely lost its edge, despite some notable exceptions. We...
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Hans Lauterbach
11. Okt. 20191 Min. Lesezeit
Zukunftsforum OÖ
Digitale Transformation, Klima, Demografie und Mobilität – die großen Zukunftsthemen entscheiden über den Erfolg von morgen. Beim OÖ ...
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Hans Lauterbach
30. Sept. 20191 Min. Lesezeit
Paper industry -Exciting prospects for new growth.
If you thought the paper industry was going to disappear, think again. Graphic papers are being squeezed by digitization, but the paper...
26 Ansichten
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Hans Lauterbach
17. Sept. 20191 Min. Lesezeit
Innovative future living concepts
Bjarke Ingels and his team presenting ambitious plans to create floating sustainable cities. Worth looking the TED video....
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Hans Lauterbach
8. Sept. 20191 Min. Lesezeit
„Innovation braucht Führung!“
Der Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI), Algorithmen und Plattformen steigt. Die Technologie ist ein Innovationstreiber, der Mensch...
13 Ansichten
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Hans Lauterbach
7. Sept. 20191 Min. Lesezeit
Beyond Performance 2.0: A Proven Approach to Leading Large-Scale Change
Managing successful change projects - worth reading. #changemanagement#innovationmanagement#interimmanagement#success#lauterbachconsultin...
21 Ansichten
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